
This section is for children aged from around 8 to 11 years of age

Cub Scouts meet as a “Pack” and participate in a program which is flexible and organised to cater for individual activities, for small groups known as “Sixes”, as well as the whole Pack. Leaders and parent helpers manage a fast moving and imaginative program which places emphasis on learning by doing

Cub Scouts are able to earn the Cub Award and pursue individual interest badges. These awards and badges are designed to:

  • Promote personal development

  • Foster individual interest

  • Foster individual ability

The Cub Section Objectives are:

  • Interact in small groups

  • Have new experiences and learn by doing

  • Develop a sense of fair play

  • Make choices and decisions

  • Practice leadership skill

  • Develop fitness and creative skills

  • Learn about other cultures

  • Satisfy a feeling of belonging and achievement

  • Satisfy the need for curiosity and adventure

  • Improve family relationship

Our Cub Promise

On my honour, I promise to do my best,

To develop my spiritual beliefs,

To contribute to my community,country and world,

To help other people,

And to live by the Scout Law

Te Kī Taurangi Cub

E mana ai taku kī taurangi, kia pukumahi te mahi,

Kia tau te whakapono-ā-wairua,

Kia ihu oneone ki te hapori, ki te whenua tupu, ki te ao

Kia manaakitia tangata kē atu,

Kia ū ki tā te ture i kī mai ai

Cub Law

Have Respect

For yourself and others

For the environment

Do What is Right

Be trustworthy and tolerant

Have integrity

Be Positive

Accept challenges with courage

Be a friend to all

Te Ture Cub

He whai whakaaro

Ki a koe, ki tangata kē atu

Ki te taiao

Kia tika

Kia ngākau pono

Kia manawanui

Kia ngākau pai

Tū whitia te hopo

Hei hoa ki te katoa